How to Make Key Lime Pie Tartlets (Vegan)

Yield: 12 tartlets Ingredients: 1 Cup raw cashews 8 graham cracker sheets 4 tbsp dairy free butter Sugar: 2 tbps spoons and then 1/4 cup sugar 4 regular limes 3/4 cup full fat coconut milk 1/4 cup vegetable oil Dairy-free whipped cream to top off Directions: Preheat oven to 350 F. Line muffin tin withContinue reading “How to Make Key Lime Pie Tartlets (Vegan)”

Vegan Pumpkin Ice Cream Recipe

I am adapting a recipe from Ice Cream Maker Machine – Breville makes a fine machine as seen below 😉 1 1/2 cups raw cashews (soaked for 4-6 hours or in boiling hot water for 1-2 hours) 1 cup dairy-free milk (e.g. almond, coconut, or rice) 3 tbsp olive oil 3/4 cup pumpkin puréeContinue reading “Vegan Pumpkin Ice Cream Recipe”

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